Friday, August 18, 2006

Call a Apache Axis Web Service from .NET Client

Following are the steps:
1 . Make proxy class using wsdl.exe .
url = Path where the webservice wsdl file is hosted.
For now just put wsdl file path

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC>wsdl http://localhost/MemberService.wsdl /n:CardActWS /l:vb /out:vbCardActWebser

2. Make a VB.NET assembly from the vb Proxy file using the VB.NET compiler

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC>vbc /t:library /r:System.dll,Syste,System.xml.dll vbCardActWebservice.vb

3. Include the VB.NET assembly as a reference in VB.NET class library project.
Use Add Reference in project menu

Further to call if from vb
4. Create COM library for VB.NET class library project
5. Call COM from vb app

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


char(13) + char(10) -> two line space
char(10) + char(13) -> 1 line space

isnt it a ASCII bug ? :)

Firefox compatible Dynamic Tooltip/input javascript

->>>Did you know that firefox is the only browser which follows WC3 standards...doesnt allow any non standard javascript ...or html.

The script below gives a tooltip like box on mouseover in which you can place any custom text or html controls.
function initalt()
altback="white" ;
altfont="arial"; // Alt-Message Font
altfontcolor="203C70";// Alt-Message Font color
altfontsize="2"; // Alt-Message Font Size
altoffx=5; // Alt-Message horizontal offset from mouse-position
altoffy=15; // Alt-Message vertical offset from mouse-position
altwidth=240; // Alt-Message width, will be expanded by your message
altheight=0; // Alt-Message height, will be expanded by your message
// end of Variables

document.onmousedown = sniff;
document.onmousemove = sniff;
document.onmouseup = sniff;

document.getElementById("IdOutput").innerHTML += '';


function sniff(e)
// GETS Mouseposition

var mousex=e.clientX;
var mousey=e.clientY+document.body.scrollTop;;;


function doalt(message)
//The main routine

document.getElementById("test").value = "test";
document.getElementById("altmessage").style.visibility = "visible";
function realt()

//document.getElementById("test").style.visibility = "hidden";
document.getElementById("altmessage").style.visibility = "hidden";
To Use this (div Id = "IdOutput"
a href="http://www.yoursite.html" onmouseover="doalt('your message')" Link